Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Biology 1

1. An inorganic molecule required by green plants for the process of photosynthesis is

1. oxygen

2. starch

3. carbon dioxide

4. glucose

Oxygen is the only inorganic compound listed. Inorganic compounds do not contain both carbon and hydrogen. (Answer: 3)

2. Much of the carbon dioxide produced by algae is not excreted as a metabolic waste because it

1. can be used for photosynthesis

2. cannot pass through cell membranes

3. is needed for aerobic respiration

4. is used for the hydrolysis of proteins

The carbon dioxide produced by algae is not excreted as a metabolic waste because it can be used for photosynthesis. (Answer: 1)

3. The graph represents the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. The graph indicates that the energy used in photosynthesis is most likely obtained from which regions of the spectrum?

1. yellow and orange red

2. violet blue and green

3. orange red and violet blue

4. green and yellow

The highest points on the graph indicate the highest absorption of the light. The light must be absorbed to be used for photosynthesis. Orange-red and violet-blue light have the highest rate of absorption by chlorophyll. (Answer:3)

4. Eating a sweet potato provides energy for human metabolic processes.  The original source of this energy is the energy

1. in protein molecules stored within the potato

2. from starch molecules absorbed by the potato plant

3. made available by photosynthesis

4. in vitamins and minerals found in the soil

The sun is the source of all the energy on the earth.  Green plants can trap the energy from the sun during the process of photosynthesis and store it in food. (Answer: 3)

5. The equation below represents a summary of a biological process.

carbon dioxide + water ? glucose + water + oxygen

This process is completed in

1. mitochondria

2. ribosomes

3. cell membranes

4. chloroplasts

The process is photosynthesis that takes place in the chloroplasts of plants. (Answer: 4)

6. The dissolved carbon dioxide in a lake is used directly by

1. autotrophs

2. parasites

3. fungi

4. decomposers

Autotrophs are organisms that can synthesize their own food. They will use the carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. (Answer: 1)

7. Many fruits contain specialized structures that are adaptions for

1. synthesizing minerals

2. aiding in seed dispersal

3. attracting pollinating insects

4. promoting germination of pollen grains

Flowers attract pollinating insects and promote germination of pollen grains. Fruits contain specialized structures that are adaptions for seed dispersal such as burrs or pods that burst. (Answer: 2)

8. The diagram below represents events associated with a biochemical process that occurs in some organisms.

Which statement concerning this process is correct?

1. The process represented is respiration and the primary source of energy for the process is the Sun.

2. The process represented is photosynthesis and the primary source of energy for the process is the Sun.

3. This process converts energy in organic compounds into solar energy which is released into the atmosphere.

4. This process uses solar energy to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.    

Photosynthesis takes in CO2 and releases oxygen. Photosynthesis traps the energy of the sun and converts it into chemical bond energy in organic nutrients that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (Answer: 2)

9. The diagram below represents a biological process.

Which set of molecules is best represented by letters A and B?

1. A: oxygen and water

B: glucose

2. A: glucose

B: carbon dioxide and water

3. A: carbon dioxide and water

B: glucose

4. A: glucose

B: oxygen and water

The biological process is photosynthesis. The inorganic raw materials are carbon dioxide and water. The organic molecule glucose is the product. (Answer: 4)

10. The function of the cotyledon in a seed is to

1. form the upper portion of the plant

2. form the lower portion of the plant

3. protect the ovary from drying out

4. provide nutrients for the germinating plant

The cotyledon provides nutrients (food) for the germinating plant. (Answer: 4)

11. After a flower on a cherry tree is fertilized, what part of the flower will develop into the fruit?

1. stamen

2. anther

3. ovary

4. ovule

The ovary will develop into the fruit. (Answer: 3)

12. The diagram shows a diploid cell with two homologous pairs of chromosomes. Due to independent assortment, what possible normal allelic combinations could be found in gametes produced from this cell by meiosis?

1. Aa, Bb, AA and bb

2. AaBb and ABab

3. AB and Ab, only

4. AB, Ab, aB, and ab

The law of independent assortment states that genes found on different chromosomes sort out independently so any A or a can go with any B or b. (Answer: 4)

13. In the diagram of two homologous chromosomes, what do R and r represent?

1. two different alleles

2. two gametes that can form a zygote

3. two identical alleles

4. two chromosomes in a hybrid pea plant

R and r represent the different forms for a particular trait and are called alleles for that trait. The capital letter represents the dominant trait and the lower case letter is for the recesive trait. (Answer: 1)

14. The information below was printed on a calendar of important events in the field of biology.


              Darwin Publishes

        On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection

This information is most closely associated with

1. an explanation for the change in types of minerals in an area through ecological succession

2. the reasons for the loss of biodiversity in all habitats on Earth

3. an attempt to explain the structural similarities observed among diverse living organisms

4. the effect of carrying capacity on the size of populations

Natural selection is an evolutionary theory that states that the environment selects the organism with the traits most adapted for surviving in a changing environment. Many species have common ancestors that they descended from; therefore, they have many structural similarities. For example: humans and apes have common ancestry and similar structures. (Answer: 3)

15. In order for new species to develop, there must be a change in the

1. temperature of the environment

2. migration patterns within a population

3. genetic makeup of a population

4. rate of succession in the environment

Members of the same species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. A new species can develop when there is a significant change in the genetic make up of the population. This new species can no longer mate with the original species and produce fertile offspring because of this change in the genes. (Answer: 3)

16. Base your answer on the chart below and on your knowledge of biology. 

According to most scientists, which sequence best represents the order of biological evolution on Earth?

1. A - B - C

2. B - C - A

3. B - A - C

4. C - A - B

Evolution goes from simple to more complex. Some simple organisms evolve into multicellular organisms. These multicellular organisms increase in variety and number as evolution continues. (Answer: 2)

17. Which factor could be the cause of the other three in an animal species?

1. the inability of the species to adapt to changes

2. a lack of genetic variability in the species

3. extinction of the species

4. a decrease in the survival rate of the species

A species will become extinct if it does not have genetic variety in its members. Without variety, the species cannot adapt to a changing environment, and the species will not survive. (Answer: 2)

18. Galapagos finches evolved partly due to

1. cloning and recombination

2. migration and selective breeding

3. mutation and asexual reproduction

4. variation and competition

There were genetic variations in the finches that made them better able to compete and survive in a changing environment. The accumulation of these variations caused new species to develop.(Answer: 4)

19. Which statement best describes an energy pyramid?

1. There is more energy at the consumer level than at the producer level.

2. There is more energy at the producer level that at the consumer level.

3. There is more energy at the secondary-consumer level than at the primary-consumer level.

4. There is more energy at the decomposer level than at the consumer level.

An energy pyramid that shows the relative amount of available energy at each feeding level. The producers always have more energy than the consumers. (Answer: 2)

20. Which organism is classified as a heterotroph?

1. mushroom

2. maple tree

3. geranium

4. moss

A mushroom is a heterotroph, an organism that cannot make its own food and must ingest organic nutrients. (Answer: 1)

21. Which sequence represents the correct order of levels of organization found in a complex organism?

1. cells - organelles - organs - organ systems - tissues

2. tissues - organs - organ systems - organelles - cells

3. organelles - cells - tissues - organs - organ systems

4. organs - organ systems - cells - tissues - organelles

Organelles are structures found inside cells. The cell is the basic unit of structure of all living things. Then the organization increases in complexity to tissues used to make organs that are used to make the organ systems. (Answer: 3)

22. Which substances are inorganic compounds?

1. water and salts

2. proteins and carbohydrates

3. fats and oils

4. enzymes and hormones

Inorganic compounds do not contain both carbon and hydrogen. Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Salt is made of sodium and chlorine. (Answer: 1)

23. The equation below summarizes the process that produces the flashing light of a firefly.


The molecule luciferin is broken down, and energy is released in the form of heat and light. In this process, luciferase functions as

1. a reactant

2. a product

3. a starch

4. an enzyme

The ending -ase always represents an enzyme. Luciferase is the enzyme for luciferin. (Answer: 4)

*** Trypsin is a protein and the basic building blocks of all proteins are amino acids.

24. Which process requires hydrolytic enzymes?

1. ingestion

2. egestion

3. digestion

4. excretion

Digestion uses hydrolytic enzymes to convert large molecules into small molecules. (Answer: 3)


Base your answer on the chemical equation shown in the diagram and your knowledge of biology. Amino groups are found in molecules of

1. A, only

2. A and B, only

3. A, B, and C, only

4. A, B, C, and D

The amino group NH2 is found in A, B, and C, but not in D. (Answer: 3)

26. The reaction indicated by arrow E illustrates

1. hydrolysis

2. dehydration synthesis

3. photolysis

4. aerobic respiration

Dehydration synthesis is the process used to join small molecules to form a large molecule (Answer: 2)

27.Which elements are present in all organic compounds?

1. hydrogen and oxygen

2. nitrogen and oxygen

3. nitrogen and carbon

4. hydrogen and carbon

Carbon and hydrogen are present in all organic compounds. (Answer: 4)

28. Which chemical formula represents a carbohydrate?

1. CH4

2. C3H7O2N

3. C12H22O11

4. CO2

Carbohydrates contain carbon and hydrogen to oxygen in the ratio of 2:1. Compound 3 contains hydrogen to oxygen in the ratio of 22:11 which reduces to 2:1. (Answer: 3)


29. In the diagram, which number indicates a carboxyl group?

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

Number 3 is the carboxyl group -COOH. The acid group for an organic compound. (Answer: 3)

30.Which formula represents an organic compound?

1. Mg(OH)2

2. NaCl

3. C12H22O11

4. NH3

Organic compounds must contain both carbon and hydrogen. (Answer: 3)